AppleShare settings

    These settings apply only to Macintosh users.

AppleTalk Name

    This is the name users see when they open the Chooser or Network Browser on a computer that connects to the server over AppleTalk.

Allow clients to connect over

    This type of connection is faster than AppleTalk. It's best to select this if your network consists only of newer computers set up to connect over TCP. This option is dimmed if TCP is not set up on your server.

    Select this option if your network has only older Macintosh computers that can't connect over TCP.

    Both TCP and AppleTalk:
    If you select this option, TCP is used if the client computer and the server both have TCP set up. Otherwise, AppleTalk is used. You should select this option if your network includes a combination of newer and older (AppleTalk-only) computers. You should also select this option if you want Macintosh users to connect to the server using the AppleTalk name in the Chooser or the Network Browser.

Allow Guest access

    Select this option only if you need to provide file server access to people who are not registered users.

Enable mutlihoming over AppleTalk

Send greeting once per user

    If you select this box, the first time a user logs on to the file server, he or she will see the logon greeting (if you entered one). After that, users only see the logon greeting the first time after you make a change to the greeting.

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